
COVID: 23,232 cases, 853 dead

Up from 22,930 and 630 Monday

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, 24 NOV - Italy has seen 23,232 more COVID cases and a second-wave record 853 more deaths in the last 24 hours, health ministry prevention chief Gianni Rezza said Tuesday.
    This compared to 22,930 new cases and 630 deaths Monday, he said.
    Rezza called the latest daily death toll "bad news".
    Some 188,659 swabs were taken over the last 24 hours, compared to 149,000 on Monday, Rezza said.
    "There has therefore been a slight rise in the number of positives," he said.
    Higher Health Council (CSS) chief Franco Locatelli said the ratio of cases to swabs was 12.31% and there were six more intensive care cases compared to 120 a week ago, while hospital admissions were 120 against 528 a week ago.
    "So the indicators are going in the right direction," he said.

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