
COVID: British variant doesn't target children - ISS

Not enough data on other strains say experts

COVID: British variant doesn't target children - ISS

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 9 - Italy's Higher Health Institute (ISS) said Tuesday that the evidence gathered so far does not back up the hypothesis that the new British strain of COVID-19 is particularly contagious for children.
    "Many studies are being done but, at the moment, it does not seem that the English variant specifically targets children, that is, it does not infect children in a particular way compared to others," ISS experts said in their updated FAQ on the coronavirus.
    The experts said there was not enough data to make any hypotheses about the other strains of COVID-19.
    In response to the question 'Do the variants hit children in particular?', the experts wrote "up to now the most worrying variants do not seem to cause more serious symptoms in any age group". (ANSA).

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