
Man arrested for murdering Ukrainian woman near Pisa

Krystyna Novak was girlfriend of Spanish drug dealer

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - PISA, MAR 23 - A 50-year-old Florentine man was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of murdering a 29-year-old Ukrainian woman near Pisa in November.
    The man, Francesco Lupino, is accused of killing Krystyna Novak and disposing of her body, which has never been found.
    Lupino was a neighbour of Novak's and a partner in the criminal affairs of her boyfriend, Spaniard Airam Negrim Gonzalez , police said.
    Negrim is a local leather sector businessman and alleged drug dealer.
    Lupino allegedly "held a deep grudge" against Novak and her boyfriend after she convinced him to get out of the drug business, police said.
    A few days before the alleged murder the two men had a big row over Gonzalez's intention to quit the drug trade and over his belief that Lupino was secretly skimming the profits of the business for himself, police said.
    After the row, Lupino threatened Gonzalez with a gun, police said.
    Lupino also deeply objected to Gonzalez's request that he leave the flat he was renting him, police said.
    Gonzalez, who has been arrested on drug offences, took police to the villa he shared with Novak and showed them traces of blood in the building. (ANSA).

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