
Pusher probed for overdose death of SARS hero's daughter

Carlo Urbani's daughter Maddalena found dead in Rome flat Sat

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 29 - A Syrian drug pusher has been placed under investigation in the overdose death on Saturday of the daughter of SARS hero doctor Carlo Urbani, judicial sources said Monday.
    Marche-born Urbani, who died of SARS in Bangkok in 2003 aged 46, was a microbiologist who first identified the severe acute respiratory syndrome as a new and dangerously contagious viral disease, and his early warning to the World Health Organization (WHO) triggered a swift and global response credited with saving numerous lives.
    His daughter Maddalena, 21, was found dead in a Rome apartment on Saturday, the apparent victim of a heroin overdose.
    An autopsy will take place Tuesday.
    The pusher, who was arrested for possession on Sunday, has been placed under investigation on charges of "causing a death as a consequence of another crime". (ANSA).

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