
Genoa port gate cleared of Green Pass protestors

Protest continues in Trieste

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 21 - Police on Thursday cleared the 'Etiopia' gate at the port of Genoa of protestors against the obligation to have the Green Pass COVID-19 health certificate to access Italian places of work.
    The protestors had occupied the entrance to the gate 24 hours a day for a week and they had set up camp there, with tents and camper vans to sleep in and a camp kitchen.
    Around 30 people were at the camp at the time of the police intervention, which was completed peacefully.
    The Green Pass shows that a person is vaccinated for COVID-19, has recovered from it in the last six months or had tested positive in the last few days.
    It became obligatory for private and public sector workers in Italy last Friday.
    A similar protest camp continues in Trieste's Piazza Unità.
    Police used water cannons and tear gas to clear protesters from a gate at the port of Trieste earlier this week.
    A protest against the Green Pass in Rome on October 9 turned into a riot that feature a raid in which the headquarters of the CGIL trade union were ransacked. (ANSA).

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