(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 26 - The Mediterranean diet is a model, Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza said at the Italy pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020.
"The Med diet has been shown to prevent chronic non-transmissible disease and it favours healthy ageing, it is a model, developed over the centuries and characterized by frugal and seasonal food, made of local raw materials and recipes handed down for generations," he said.
Sapienza also told the UN Action on Nutrition Decade event that it was necessary for malnutrition programmes "to pay special attention to the most vulnerable groups, those most affected by dramatic events like wars, climate change and now COVID-19".
He added that G20 ministers were "working to up access to healthy diets and sustainable food systems in line with the UN nutrition action decade to safeguard human health and the environment.
"Recently the UN food system summit focused on the need to develop a food system that guarantees sustainable nutrition from the environmental, social and economic standpoints, and so we believe it is necessary to promote winning strategies that produce positive results, therefore it is necessary to promote diets that are sustainable and healthy". (ANSA).
Italy's health minister expounds the merits of the Mediterranean diet at Expo 2020 Dubai
Speranza stresses sustainable food systems at UN nutrition event