
High-school student arrested for selling drugs on uni campus

Along with nightwatchman in Bari

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 10 - A 19-year-old Italian high-school student was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of selling drugs on a university campus in southern Italy.
    The young man was arrested along with the 49-year-old nightwatchman at the university, in Bari, for distribution of hashish.
    The pair were caught red-handed in separate operations, police said.
    The student was found with eight doses of hashish, a precision scale and 950 euros in cash, believed to be the profits from his pushing activities.
    A later search of his home turned up a bar of hashish weighing 50 grammes hidden in a clarinet and another 12 does of the drug, as well as material for packaging it, kept in a backpack in his room.
    The nightwatchman was found with a dose of hashish hidden in his cellphone cover and 45 euros in cash.
    A search of his work station later turned up more drugs and material for packing it. (ANSA).

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