(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 16 - Giovanni Bruno, an Italian trapped in
the southern Ukrainian port city of Kherson, told ANSA Wednesday
that Ukrainian raids had hit the airport there where there
Russian helicopters.
"We spent the whole night without sleeping, terrorized by the
bombing," he said.
Kyiv has said there have been counter-offensives against Russian
forces in "various operational areas".
Bruno said he did not know when he and his companions would be
able to leave.
He said the foreign ministry in Rome had said they were working
on it, "but evacuations won't be able to be organized until
there are guarantees from both sides."
Bruno said he was trapped with his Ukrainian wife and their
22-month-old daughter. (ANSA).
Raid on Russian copters at airport says Italian in Kherson
Witness confirms Ukrainian counter-offensive news to ANSA