
COVID-19: Italy registers 62,037 new cases, 155 deaths

Positivity rate steady at 14.8%.

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 13 - Italy has registered 62,037 new COVID-19 cases and 155 coronavirus-linked deaths in the last 24-hour period, the health ministry said on Wednesday.
    That compares to 83,643 new cases and 169 deaths on Tuesday.
    The ministry said 419,995 COVID tests had been done in the last 24 hours, down from 563,018 on Tuesday, and the positivity rate was steady at 14.8%.
    It said the number of COVID patients in intensive care had dropped by 14 to 449 and the number in ordinary hospital wards was down by 41 to 10,166. (ANSA).

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