
Rome 7th in world's best tourist cities 2023 list

Mark of work done under Mayor Gualtieri says tourism chief

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 5 - Rome came seventh in an authoritative list of the world's most liveable and tourist-stimulating cities for 2023, city councillor for tourism, events, fashion and sport Alessandro Onorato said Thursday.
    The list, drawn up annually by Resonance Consultancy, was led by London, Paris, New York and Tokyo.
    Onorato said "the fact that Rome is seventh in the World's Best Cities rankings, and the top Italian city, is due recognition of the investments we have made with Mayor (Roberto) Gualtieri to improve the quality of hospitality for visitors".
    Onoroato said the Italian capital now offered "a new slate of major events for fashion, sport and culture of tip-top level, as well as promoting Rome in the most important international tourism fairs".
    He said "we are happy that this work has been recognised and appreciated.
    "The tourism sector generates important knock-on effects on the economy and employment, with advantages and opportunities for the whole city".
    Based on each city's performance in the 24 factors analyzed, these are the World's Best Cities for 2023: Honorary World's Best City: Kyiv, Ukraine London, England Paris, France New York City, USA Tokyo, Japan Dubai, United Arab Emirates Barcelona, Spain Rome, Italy Madrid, Spain Singapore, Republic of Singapore Amsterdam, Netherlands (ANSA).

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