
Global challenges require a united EU says Mattarella

'Joint effort needed to defend our values' says head of state

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 4 - The European Union needs to be united to meet the "momentous" global challenges facing it, President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella said on Thursday.
    "The Union is again facing global emergencies of momentous proportions: pandemics, the dramatic consequences of climate change, uncontrolled migration flows, the Russian Federation's unjustifiable aggression against Ukraine and its devastating humanitarian, geo-political and economic consequences," said Mattarella in a message to the The State of the Union conference organised by the European University Institute (EUI) in Fiesole, Tuscany.
    These challenges "require unity, solidarity and a joint effort to defend the values without which the Union would have no reason to exist: the Rule of law, fundamental freedoms, democracy", added the Head of State.
    "Europe has shown that it can face the most difficult challenges and crises, emerging stronger and more united," continued Mattarella, adding that "today, more than ever, it is necessary to continue to build Europe with courage".
    "In times of greatest difficulty, renewing oneself is essential and decisive," he concluded. (ANSA).

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