(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 20 - The number of people who have been
evacuated from their homes because of the deadly floods in
Emilia-Romagna has risen to more than 36,600, the regional
government said on Saturday.
Most of them, 27,775, had to leave their homes in the Ravenna
Then there were 4,830 in the province of Forlì-Cesena and 4,012
in the Bologna area.
Of these people 4,963 people are being put up in hotels or in
temporary dormitories set up by local councils in schools,
sports halls and gyms.
The rest have found alternative solutions, going to holiday
homes or getting put up by families or friends. (ANSA).
Floods: Number of people evacuated rises to 36,600
Over 27,000 in province of Ravenna alone