
10-year-old girl injured in shooting near Naples

Parents hit too

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 24 - A 10-year-old girl was hit in the face during a shooting in which the child's parents were also injured in the province of Naples town of Sant'Anastasia late on Tuesday.
    The girl underwent surgery at the Santobono children's hospital to remove a bullet from her cheekbone and doctors are optimistic she will pull through, Green Party MP Francesco Emilio Borrelli said after going to the hospital and speaking to its director.
    She is intubated and in intensive care and will have another operation on Wednesday, Borrelli said.
    The child's 43's year-old father was hit in the hand and her 35-year-old mother suffered an injury to her abdomen, sources said.
    Investigators think that the family, who were having a meal in a square, were hit accidentally by two gunmen during the shooting, in which at least 10 shots were fired, sources said. (ANSA).

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