
Italians more pessimistic about economic outlook - Eurispes

53.8% say economy has deteriorated over past year

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 24 - Italians have become more pessimistic about the economic outlook as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, Eurispes said in its annual report published on Wednesday.
    Some 53. 8% of Italians say the the country's economic situation has deteriorated over the past year, according to data in the Italy Report 2023.
    The 35th edition of the annual study on Italy also indicated little optimism for the future: for 31.2% of Italians the situation will remain stable in the next 12 months and for about 30% it will get worse.
    Only 8.5% said they believed there will be an improvement, while 30.2% did not know or did not answer.
    For almost half of Italians, rent is the expense that poses the greatest difficulty, followed by bills (37.9%), the mortgage (37.5%), and medical fees (around 33%). (ANSA).

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