
Private mass at Berlusconi residence one month after death

Close friends and family gather at Arcore villa

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 12 - Close friends and family gathered at the home of the late former premier and centre-right Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi on Wednesday for a private Mass one month after his death.
    Berlusconi's eldest daughter Marina, his close friend Marcello Dell'Utri, Monza CEO Antonio Galliani and Mediaset chairman Fedele Confalonieri were among those to attend the service at the chapel at Villa San Martino in Arcore.
    Four-times ex premier and media mogul Berlusconi died in a Milan hospital on June 12 aged 86.
    He had been readmitted to San Raffaele allegedly for scheduled tests less than a month after spending 45 days there for treatment for a lung infection related to his previously undisclosed chronic leukemia, including 16 days in intensive care.
    Photo: crowds wait outside Berlusconi's Villa San Martino in Arcore on June 14, the day of his state funeral. (ANSA).

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