
'Life is beautiful' says 'Gloria' before assisted suicide

'But only if we are free. And I was until the end.'

Redazione Ansa

(see related stories) (ANSA) - ROME, JUL 24 - "Life is beautiful, but only if we are free," said a 78-year-old woman with terminal cancer who committed assisted suicide in Italy on Sunday in her last message to the Luca Coscioni Association, made public on Monday.
    "Life is beautiful, but only if we are free. And I was until the end. Thank you," said 'Gloria' (not her real name) in the message.
    The woman was the second person in Italy to have put an end to her suffering through assisted suicide on the basis of the Constitutional Court's 2019 'Cappato ruling', named after right-to-die campaigner Marco Cappato, making assisted suicide permissible in certain circumstances. (ANSA).

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