
Nordio to visit Turin prison after female inmate deaths

Nigerian died after refusing sustenance, Italian hung herself

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 12 - Justice Minister Carlo Nordio was to visit the Le Vallette prison in the northern city of Turin on Saturday following the death of two female inmates on Friday.
    On Friday morning prison guard union Sappe reported that a 43-year-old Nigerian woman had died overnight after refusing water, food and medication for 18 days.
    Sources said she had asked repeatedly to be able to see her four-year-old son.
    Separately, on Friday afternoon Sappe said an Italian inmate had committed suicide in the same prison by hanging herself in her cell.
    "This is a tragedy that cannot be tolerated in a country that claims to be civilized and democratic," said Ilaria Cucchi, a Senator for the Italian Left (SI) party, after news of the first death.
    "The State is responsible for this death as it had the victim in its custody," added Cucchi, who gained public prominence during her fight for justice over the 2009 death in custody of her brother, Stefano Cucchi.
    "I ask that this case be clarified".
    Monica Cristina Gallo, the city of Turin's ombudsman for the rights of inmates, said her office had not been informed about the woman's case, even though she had refused food and medical care for weeks.
    "No one informed us," Gallo told ANSA.
    "It would probably have changed nothing (if they had).
    "But at least we could have activated our procedures and tried something.
    "I'm upset because information should be shared for prevention purposes". (ANSA).

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