
Interventions due to ground instability increase in 2023

Firefighters called out 589,535 times in total in Jan-July

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 16 - The fire department carried out a total of 589,535 interventions in Italy in the period January 1-July 31 according to figures released by the interior ministry on Tuesday.
    Interventions relating to ground instability and hydrogeological damage both rose sharply - respectively by 47% and 57% - in the reporting period, the ministry added.
    The increase may reflect the number of call-outs relating to floods and landslides triggered by extreme bad weather in many parts of northern Italy, especially Emilia Romagna, earlier this year.
    Conversely, the number of interventions related to wildfires and fires and explosions both fell by 52%. (ANSA).

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