
Worker crushed to death in quarry as spate continues

Accident near Treviso a day after two more killed, one critical

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 30 - A worker was crushed to death in a quarry near Treviso in northern Italy Saturday as a grim spate of workplace accident deaths continued in the country.
    The man died this morning in an accident in Spresiano (Treviso) inside the 'Canzian Inerti' quarry, which produces building materials.
    According to an initial reconstruction, the man was crushed during the operation of closing the bank of a tank for the transport of inert material. The fire brigade, Suem emergency 118 personnel, the Carabinieri and Spisal inspection officials rushed to the scene but were unable to do anything for the victim.
    On Friday two more workers died and one was in critical condition as the spate of fatal workplace accidents continued unabated.
    A 60-year-old man died in an accident at a building site in Abruzzo and a 24-year-old farmer was crushed to death by his tractor near Latina south of Rome.
    In the third case, a 35-year-old worker fell 10 metres from a factory roof near Pavia and was taken to hospital in critical condition.
    Five rail maintenance workers were killed by a train in an accident at Brandizzo near Turin at the end of August.
    There have been almost a thousand workplace accident deaths so far this year, according to the Bologna Observatory on workplace safety.
    The perceived spate of accidental deaths in the workplace has spurred government action but has continued nonetheless.
    Trade unions say it has now reached one a day.
    A 22-year-old worker with a five-year-old son, Luana D'Orazio, was mangled to death by a weaving machine in Prato on May 3, 2021, first really putting the spotlight on the wave of workplace deaths and spurring the government action that has so far proven mostly ineffective. (ANSA).

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