
Starchitect Boeri probed for bid rigging on BEIC

On panel that awarded project to Raffaele Lunati, also probed

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 11 - Architect Stefano Boeri is among those under investigation in a Milan public prosecutor's investigation for bid rigging in connection with the BEIC European information and culture library project, which is to be built in the trendy Porta Vittoria area of the Lombardy capital, legal sources said Wednesday.
    The Guardia di Finanza tax police is carrying out searches and seizing IT material, they said.
    Another lesser-known architect, Raffaele Lunati, is also among those under investigation.
    Lunati was awarded the project, while Boeri was part of the judging commission.
    Boeri, 66, is an Italian architect and urban planner,[1] and a founding partner of Stefano Boeri Architetti.
    Among his best-known projects are the iconic Vertical Forest in Milan, the Villa Méditerranée in Marseille, and the House of the Sea of La Maddalena.
    He is the professor of urban planning at the Polytechnic University of Milan. (ANSA).

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