
'I am heartbroken, want to pay all' says Turetta

Trying to reconstruct fatal evening in my memory tells GIP

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 28 - Filippo Turetta told a judge Tuesday that he was heartbroken after murdering his ex girlfriend Giulia Cecchettin and wanted to pay all the consequences for his "tragic" actions.
    "I am heartbroken, sorry for the tragedy I caused. I do not want to shirk my responsibility, I want to pay what will be just for killing my ex-girlfriend," said the 21-year-old Padua University biomedical engineering student who has confessed to murdering 22-year-old Cecchettin on November 11.
    "I am trying to reconstruct in my memory the emotions and what triggered in me that night. From the beginning it was my intention to turn myself in and be arrested. That was my intention. Now I am very tired and I don't feel like adding anything else," said Turetta, who was arrested in Germany on November 19.
    Turetta earlier confessed the murder to the preliminary investigations judge (GIP). (ANSA).

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