
Giulia stabbed 6km from home, bled to death

'Something snapped in my head' says Turetta

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 2 - Giulia Cecchettin, a 22-year-old Padua University biomedicakl engineering student allegedly murdered by her 21-year-old ex-boyfriend and coursemate Filippo Turetta, was attacked Turetta in the industrial area of Fossò near Venice, six kilometres from her home, at around 11.40 p.m. on Saturday 11 November and bled to death, a 12-hour autopsy established Thursday night.
    She is believed to have been stabbed over 20 times by Turetta, who could not accept the end of their relationship, police said.
    Meanwhile, Turetta was quizzed for nine hours Thursday by the Venice Public Prosecutor Andrea Petroni.
    Between pauses, silences and tears, he gave some answers but in his account there were many inconsistencies and several "I don't remembers.
    "Something snapped in my head", he said to try to explain his actions.
    Turetta was arrested on a highway near Leipzig in Germany on November 19 after a manhunt of over a week On Saturday sources said that Giulia's body may be released later in the day and her funeral is scheduled for Tuesday in Padua.. (ANSA).

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