
Professional database set up in money laundering clampdown

Generates automatic alerts if detects anomalies

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 2 - Italy is to set up a professional database in a clampdown against money laundering according to a Senate amendment to a government decree against the phenomenon.
    The amendment approved to the anti-money laundering decree in the Senate envisages the possibility for self-regulatory bodies to set up "a centralised computer database of documents, data and information acquired by professionals in the course of their activities with the aim of preventing money laundering or terrorist financing activities".
    Professionals must send their data "without delay", the amendment says.
    The database - which can be consulted by the economy ministry, the Financial Intelligence Unit, the Guardia di Finanza tax police, the anti-mafia directorate DIA and the Anti-Mafia Commission - generates automatic alerts if it detects anomalies.

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