
Case of femicide victim did not seem urgent - prosecutor

Ballan had reported her alleged killer for stalking

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, DEC 20 - Information gathered by investigators following the complaint by murdered 27-year-old Vanessa Ballan against her alleged killer Bujar Fandaj for stalking did not suggest the need to issue a restraining order, the prosecutor in charge of probing Italy's latest femicide said on Wednesday.
    "There were elements perhaps to suggest a risk of persecutory acts and harassment, but not (to the extent to warrant a restraining order" against Fandaj, Treviso chief prosecutor Marco Martani told reporters.
    "Following a search of his home after the complaint, there were no more episodes of harassment, approach or threats from Fandaj," he added.
    "The assessment made was one of non-urgency, which unfortunately turned out to be unfounded," said Martani.
    The chief prosecutor also told reporters there is evidence to suggest the femicide may have been premeditated.
    Martani said the suspect had activated a new phone number the day before the murder and "approached the house on his bicycle and not in his car, probably so as not to be recognised".
    In addition, the prosecutor said Fandaj was carrying a duffel bag containing a hammer, two knives and other tools for breaking in.
    The knife is similar to the one found in the kitchen used in the fatal stabbing. (ANSA).

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