
Rome Jews slam 'unacceptable double standards on Israel'

'Expected unequivocal statements on Hamas terror attacks'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 8 - The Jewish Community of Rome said Monday it is "appalled" at the "complicit silence and double standards that continue to pollute public statements on the war in Israel and Gaza" sparked by the Hamas attacks of October 7.
    "We would have expected unequivocal statements on the horrors committed by the terrorist organisation Hamas, which is still holding over 100 Jewish hostages," read a statement.
    "It is scandalous to put the defensive war of a country and a people that suffered a mass anti-Semitic attack on October 7 on the same level as the meticulous Jew-hunt involving the deliberate killing of 1,400 people including children one by one," the statement continued.
    "It is double standards to demand that Israel stop and not to demand that the hostages be freed and those responsible prosecuted.
    The application of double standards is part of the universal definition of anti-Semitism.
    We will not remain silent and will continue to denounce the unacceptable cultural complicity with terrorism," concluded the statement from the Jewish Community of Rome.
    Photo: Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Rome Riccardo Di Segni during a demonstration on November 7 in memory of the Israeli victims and hostages of the October 7 Hamas attack.

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