
Judge orders direct trial for 7 minors in Caivano rape case

Hearing set for March 28

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 20 - A preliminary investigations judge at Naples juvenile court on Tuesday upheld a prosecution request and ordered seven minors involved in the gang rape of two cousins aged 10 and 12 in Caivano last July to be sent straight to trial in a so-called 'immediate' procedure that skips the preliminary hearing stage. The boys face charges of aggravated abuse and in some cases also of conspiracy in producing child pornographic material of the abuse with one of the two adult teens also facing trial for the same events.
    The trial hearing has been set for March 28.
    The defendants' lawyers now have up to 15 days to instead request a so-called 'abbreviated' trial procedure involving only the preliminary hearing or a plea bargain.
    The gang rape in the Camorra-infested town of Caivano near Naples shocked the nation and led to a government crackdown on juvenile crime. (ANSA).

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