(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 16 - Migrant landings in Italy have fallen
67% to 6,560 this year compared to last, when there were 19,937,
the interior ministry said Saturday.
Asian countries lead the way over African ones in terns of
countries of origin, the Viminale said, with Bangladeshis
accounting for 1,515 of arrivals, followed by Syrians at 1,207,
then Tunisians at 721 and Egyptians at 645.
Libyan ports of departure led the way with 4,860 departures
followed by Tunisian ones with 1,658, far down from the 11,988
of the same period last year. (ANSA).
Migrant landings down 67% in 2024
Highest number of departures from Libya (4,860),Tunisia far down