
New video on Carabiniere in Modena, slap after arrest

Incident allegedly similar to one on March 13

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 18 - A second video in a week has emerged on a Carabiniere in the northern city of Modena who is seen allegedly slapping a man after arresting him as he allegedly also did on March 13 to another man.
    The soldier appears to be the same one who was filmed on 13 March, while in similar circumstances he hit the arrested man before putting him into his service car to take him to barracks.
    The second video was also shared on the 'Welcome to Favelas' group website.
    It is not clear exactly when the latest images date back to.
    After the incident of the 13th, the Carabiniere and his patrol colleague were transferred to another non-operational assignment and the Corps and the Public Prosecutor's Office started investigations on the videos.
    The alleged victim of the March 13 alleged assault said he had done nothing and it was "like the United States". (ANSA).

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