(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 22 - Some 200,000 Italians traveled abroad
for dental treatment in 2023 according to data made public at
the national congress of the Italian Society of Periodontology
and Implantology (SIdP) in Rimini on Friday.
The reported "surge in dental tourism" sees Italians going
particularly to Albania, the number one foreign destination for
cheaper dentures and implants, followed by Croatia, Romania, and
However, experts said one in three patients then require
additional treatment due to problems after three to six months,
"at three times the cost".
In 60% of cases, these are serious issues such as infections,
abscesses or difficulties chewing that can compromise the
initial treatment received.
SLdP said in order to reduce the risks - and also the costs -
early diagnosis and treatment in accordance to precise protocols
are necessary.
Italy is among the top ten countries in international rankings
for periodontal treatment, added SldP. (ANSA).
200,000 Italians went abroad for dental treatment in 2023
But 1 in 3 requires further treatment after 3-6 months says SIdP