
1.3m minors living in absolute poverty in 2023 - ISTAT

Highest share of child population since 2014

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, MAR 25 - In 2023, 1.3 million children in Italy belonged to families living in absolute poverty is 1. 3 million, according to provisional figures released by ISTAT on Monday.
    In absolute terms the number is substantially stable compared to 2022.
    However, as a share of the total child population it represented the highest value since 2014 at 14%, added ISTAT.
    Compared to 2022, the incidence of poverty remained stable among 18-34 year olds (11.9%) and the over-65s (6.2%).
    The over 65 age group remained the segment of the population with the lowest economic distress, the national statistics agency said. (ANSA).

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