
Workers who died at Casteldaccia should not have gone down

Sewage was supposed to have been sucked out from surface

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 7 - The five workers who died after inhaling toxic fumes in the sewer system of Casteldaccia near Palermo Monday should not have gone down into the sewers because waste suction was supposed to have been handled from above, sources said Tuesday after Italy's umpteenth workplace accident tragedy.
    The contract stipulated with Amap, the municipal company that had given their company, the Quadrifoglio group, the contract for the work, reportedly stipulated that the suction of sewage was to be done from the surface by means of a pumping truck and that the personnel were not to go underground, officials said.
    This explains why none of the victims wore masks or had gas alerts, a device that measures the concentration of hydrogen sulphide, the gas that eventually killed them.
    A sixth workers was said to be in extremely serious condition in hospital, fighting for his life. (ANSA).

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