(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 14 - An anti-stalking and anti gender
violence smartwatch being trialled in Rome will first be given
to the most sensitive cases and then, as it becomes fully
operational, it will be disseminated more widely, sources said
The device will be connected directly to the operations centre
of the Carabinieri Provincial Command in Rome and, when worn by
the victim of persecutory acts or in any case of gender-based
violence, it can be activated directly by the victim if she sees
herself in danger, but also automatically in the event of an
The watch's pilot project was presented Tuesday at the Public
Prosecutor's Office, in Rome, as part of a protocol signed by
Chief Prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi and General Marco Pecci, head
of the Carabinieri High Command. (ANSA).
Stalking smartwatch to be given to sensitive cases first
Protocol signed by Rome prosecutor's office, Carabinieri