
Law agst bullying and cyber-bullying OKd

Day of Respect set up on Jan 20 after Willy Monteiro

Law agst bullying and cyber-bullying OKd

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 15 - Parliament on Wednesday passed into law a bill aimed at fighting bullying and cyber-bullying.
    The new law more precisely defines bullying as "repeated physical or psychological aggression or harassment by an individual or group against one or more minors. " It lays down that all schools must draw up a code of prevention of bullying and a psychological support service.
    It also envisages rehabilitation courses and institutes a Day of Respect on January 20, the birthday of a 21-year-old Cape Verdian-Italian man beaten to death by a gang of bullies near Rome in 2020, Willy Monteiro Duarte. (ANSA).

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