
'Anti-Zionist' TV chef beaten up in street

Chef Rubio says assailants were 'Jewish terrorists'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 16 - Gabriele Rubini aka Chef Rubio, a self-declared 'anti-Zionist' and pro-Palestinian TV chef, was beaten up outside hi Rome home by six men wielding their fists and bricks Wednesday night, he said on social media.
    Rubini, who will be 40 on June 29 and who is under investigation for instigating hate with antisemitic remarks, called his assailants "terrorists" and !Zionist Jews".
    "Terrorists. These are the Zionist Jews. They waited for me outside my house in six and cut the wires of the gate to slaughter me", he said on X, posting video and photos of the attack.
    In the images, the chef can be seen with blood on his face and head and a swollen eye, saying "they beat the shit out of me, they blocked the electric gate".
    He also posted photos of the inside of a car with broken glass.
    On Thursday Rubini thanked well wishers for their support and solidarity, said he had been pummelled with 60 punches, and sent a "hug to the Jewish community" too. (ANSA).

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