
Bologna folk artists rally for leaning tower

'Come on Garisenda, have you stopped tottering' say troupes

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 20 - Bologna's folk artists will rally for the Emilian capital's dangerously leaning tower Thursday with all proceeds from a concert of eight dialect tradition companies going to fund the consolidation of the Garisenda Tower.
    The title of the benefit concert at the Circolo Arci San Lazzaro is "Mo soppa Garisenda. Ét finé ed sdundlèr??", which in Bolognese means "Come on Garisenda, have you stopped tottering?".
    Tickets are 10 euros a head and there are 500 seats in the circolo club.
    The Garisenda is being secured with scaffolding from the Leaning Tower of Pisa as part of moves to stop it from falling over completely, Mayor Matteo Lepore told a press conference on the project recently.
    The Italian culture ministry has earmarked five million euro to fix the Bologna tower, which has been cordoned off amid fears it may topple.
    The work to repair and secure the Garisenda tower will run until June 2026.
    The Garisenda is one of two towers standing side by side in the heart of Bologna, and among the main symbols of the Emilian capital.
    The 48m Garisenda, which stands alongside the 97m and straight Torre degli Asinelli, is in a worrying state of stability, the ministry said in October. (ANSA).

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