
Jail, some homes evacuated over Campi Flegrei quakes

Some 80 people slept at reception area overnight

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, MAY 21 - Inspections following the earthquakes that started late on Monday in the area of the Campi Flegrei volcanic caldera near Naples led to 39 families being evacuated from their homes in 13 buildings in Pozzuoli on Tuesday.
    Furthermore, Campania Prisons Superintendent Lucia Castellano has announced that 140 inmates in Pozzuoli's women's prison will all be evacuated too as a precautionary measure.
    The prison was among the buildings in the area to suffer damage, with cracks appearing in some and chunks of masonry falling away, and the female prisoners will be temporarily held at other jails in the region.
    The authorities set up a reception area at sports centre in the Monterusciello district of Pozzuoli, where 80 spooked people slept overnight, while many others spent the night in their cars.
    Nevertheless, many local residents complained about the chaos that followed the seismic activity, which has featured some 160 quakes since Monday evening, including a 4.4 magnitude one that was the strongest to hit the area over 40 years.
    "I don't know what would have happened if it had happened during the day and the schools were open," said one resident.
    "The panic is likely to cause more damage than the earthquake".
    Schools will be closed on Tuesday in Pozzuoli and other towns in the area on Tuesday as a precautionary measure.
    The Campi Flegrei area, also known the Phlegrean Fields in English, is currently affected by bradyseism, or ground uplift, and the seismic activity in the volcanic zone has led to fears of harm to people and property. (ANSA).

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