
4 in 10 Italians overweight, 1 in 10 obese says ISS

Medical opinions important, people told to diet will do so

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 7 - Four in 10 Italians are overweight, and one in 10 obese, the Higher Health Institute (ISS) says in a new report.
    The report also highlighted that Italians are struggling to meet the healthy eating five a day fruit and veg regime.
    Very few Italians, 3%, say they don't include fruit or veg at all in their meals, while 45% consume three portions a day, and 7% get their five a day. the ISS said.
    Putting on the pounds increases with age, the report said, and was more frequent among men than women.
    But there has been an "alarming" rise in overweight and obesity among the young too, it said, amid lifestyle changes including over-eating, binge eating and zoning out on the couch rather than getting proper exercise.
    Less than half of overweight people have been told by their GPs to lose weight, the ISS said.
    "But medical opinions count, and those who are actually told to diet eventually do so," it said. (ANSA).

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