
Worker dead in explosion at paint factory in Brianza

Latest in long spate of fatal workplace accidents in Italy

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 11 - A worker died in an explosion this morning in a paint factory building in Via Aristotele in Brugherio, in the province of Monza, the latest in a long spate of fatal workplace accidents in Italy.
    The fire brigade is working at the scene to extinguish the fire sparked by the blast.
    At the moment, according to 118 emergency services, there are no other people involved.
    Workplace accident insurance agency INAIL said last week that fatal accidents had risen by four to 268 in the first four months of this year.
    Five men died after inhaling toxic gas in a sewer network near Palermo last month, and seven died in a hydro power plant blast near Bologna in April. (ANSA).

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