
Burqini clad Londoners 'verbally abused' at Sicilian hotel

Who knows what you're hiding say Italian male guests

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 19 - Two burquini clad London women were allegedly verbally abused when they tried to take a dip in a Sicilian hotel swimming pool in their Islamic bathing costumes at the weekend, the Giornale di Sicilia newspaper reported Wednesday.
    The pair, aged 19 and 25, were allegedly insulted by two male hotel guests, both Italian but resident in Germany and Switzerland, who allegedly mocked their outfits saying "who knows what you're hiding underneath them".
    The manager of the Mangia's Torre del Barone Hotel, Mauritius-born Keswan Monien, said he had had to step in to "calm things down". (ANSA).

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