
Mutilated and abandoned Indian labourer dies

Farm hand Satnam Singh, 31, dies of injuries sustained at Latina

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 19 - A 31-year-old Indian farm hand who was mutilated by farm machinery and left abandoned outside his home at Latina south of Rome Monday with the lost arm resting on a vegetable collection basket has died of his injuries in a Rome hospital, medical sources said Wednesday.
    The man, Satnam Singh, was part of the many mainly Indian immigrant labouring gangs that work the fields in much of Italy, but especially in the south, in slave-like conditions and on pittance wages.
    The centre-left Democratic Party (PD) urged the government to take action to rid Italy of "agro-mafias" who run the migrant laboring and gangmastering rackets. (ANSA).

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