
Woman stabbed to death by husband in latest femicide

'She laughed in my face' man reportedly said after murder

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 21 - A man has been arrested for allegedly stabbing his wife to death at the couple's home in Cagliari overnight after a row with her in the latest in an alarming spate of femicides in Italy.
    The victim has been named as 59-year-old Ignazia Tumatis.
    Her husband, Luciano Ellies, 77, allegedly stabbed her around 10 times after a row broke out when the woman returned home late following the Italy-Spain Euro 2024 football match.
    "She laughed in my face and I just lost it," Ellies told investigators, according to daily newspaper L'Unione Sarda.
    The couple's children alerted the police after he told them he had killed her. (ANSA).

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