
Around 39% committed audio-video piracy in 2023-study

Illegal downloading, streaming cost two billion last year

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 24 - Around 39% of adults in Italy committed at least one act of audio-video piracy in 2023 by illicitly downloading or streaming films, TV series or programmes, or live sport broadcasts, according to an Ipsos survey commissioned by Fapav and released on Monday.
    Although high, that figure is three percentage points down on last year, said the federation for the protection of audio-video and multimedia content.
    The survey estimated that there were around 319 million acts of such piracy last year, compared to 345 million in 2022.
    It said audio-video 'pirates' tend to be under 35, in employment and have a higher level of education than the average for the Italian population (22% are graduates), adding that there are more in the south of the country.
    The report said audio-video piracy cost the Italian economy around 2 billion euros and 11,200 jobs last year. (ANSA).

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