
Judge sends 2 Cappato assisted suicide cases to top court

Prosecutors had asked for charges to be dropped

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 24 - A Milan judge on Monday sent the two latest assisted suicide cases involving right to die activist Marco Cappato to the Constitutional Court.
    The preliminary investigations judge in the Lombard capital, where Cappato self-reported himself to police for the incidents, has sent the documents to the supreme court for it to assess the constitutional legitimacy of the crime of aiding and abetting suicide for which Cappato is charged for having accompanied the two people to die in a Swiss clinic.
    The cases concern Romano, 82, a former journalist and publicist, confined to a bed by a severe form of Parkinson's disease, and Elena, 69, a Venetian woman terminally ill with cancer.
    Prosecutors in the cases had asked for charges to be dropped in the light of previous Constitutional Court rulings which have been used to justify some but not all assisted suicide cases involving Italians. (ANSA).

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