
Carabinieri arrest 112 in huge Messina drugs operation

Several crime gangs dismantled at once

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 25 - Carabinieri police based in the province of Messina on Tuesday staged a huge operation to execute warrants for the arrest of 112 people suspected of involvement in drugs trafficking.
    Sicily was the main focus of the operation but there were also raids in Calabria, other parts of Italy and even abroad.
    A judge issued warrants for 85 people to be put into preventative incarceration and 27 to be put under house arrest following a request by Messina prosecutors.
    The suspects are accused of crimes including criminal association, the trafficking, cultivation and sale of narcotics, self-laundering and extortion..
    The operation has dismantled several different crime gangs that were active in the province of Messina and had links to criminals outside the region, including abroad. (ANSA).

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