
Italian police seize six tonnes of ecstasy material

Production of around 63 million tablets halted

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 1 - The Italian finance police said Monday that they had seized around 6.3 tonnes of chemical 'ingredients' for ecstasy in a series of operations linked to a probe launched two years ago.
    They said the raids had blocked the potential production of 63 million ecstasy tablets with a market value of around 630 million euros.
    The first operation regarded a shipment that arrived at Milan's Malpensa airport in 2022.
    After intercepting the shipment, the police conducted a "controlled delivery" to the intended destination at a Milan-based company with an operations facility at Caronno Pertusella in the province of Varese.
    This information made it possible to launch further investigations in the Netherlands, via international cooperation, and identify a warehouse for the storage of narcotics and the seizure of more material used to refine drugs.
    As a result the Dutch authorities arrested two Chinese nationals and the legal representative of the company that imported the shipment is under investigation. (ANSA).

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