
Femicide-suicide suspected after car ends up in Po

Camera images show helpless woman in front of car

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 5 - A femicide-suicide is suspected after a car ended up in the Po drowning a couple in their early 50s Thursday night in what was initially thought to be an accident but now believed to have been intentional after reports that their relationship had soured badly in recent months.
    The victims are Stefano Del Re and Lorena Vezzosi, aged 53 and 51, originally from Casalasco and living in Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna Camera images show the helpless woman in the front passenger seat before the car ends up in the water and the man then apparently changing his mind and trying to save himself by clinging to a boat with his hand out of the window.
    The incident happened at Casalmaggiore. (ANSA).

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