
Half of Italian teens engage in 'sexting' - report

Most adolescents want more sex education at school says Iard

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 9 - Over half of Italian teenagers engage in 'sexting', the sending, receiving, or forwarding of sexually explicit messages, photographs, or videos, according to a nationwide study by the Iard research institute released on Tuesday.
    It said 55% of teenage girls and 52% of boys have sent sexually explicit images to their partners.
    It added that 15% of girls and 10% of boys admitted to having posted sexual content on their social media accounts at least once.
    It said boys tended to be 'voyeurs' of the content while girls are often present in it.
    The survey said Instagram and Tik Tok were the top social media platforms for young people while Facebook is pretty much off the radar for them.
    It also said that 10% of girls and 20% of boys use OnlyFans.
    The report said 78,4% of the teenagers want more sex education at school. (ANSA).

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