
Domestic gender violence up 5% in first half of 2024

Italy had 117 femicides in 2023 says police report

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 14 - There were 12,424 cases of domestic abuse in Italy in the first six months of 2024, a 5% increase on the 11,808 registered in the equivalent period last year, the State police said Sunday in a report on gender-related violence.
    It said reports of sexual violence were down by 2% to 2,923 from 2.991, while acts of persecution or stalking dropped 8% from 9,359 to 8,592.
    The report showed that femicide remains a big problem in Italy, with 117 women murdered in 2023.
    Although a high number, it is 10% down on the 130 registered in 2022.
    It said 49 women were murdered in the first six months of 2024, 44 within the family-relationship sphere, including 24 killed by their partner or their ex.
    It said crimes regarding people being forced into marriage were up 21% in the 2021-23 period. (ANSA).

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