
Shock at video of trucker whipping migrant women with belt

Eritreans, Ethiopians were trying to cross border at Ventimiglia

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 16 - A video circulating online showing a trucker whipping a group of Eritrean and Ethiopian women with a belt after he found them in his lorry trying to cross the border to France at Ventimiglia has caused widespread shock and indignation in Italy.
    Italian police are looking into the incident and trying to identify the trucker, who is thought to be Bulgarian.
    "The images of the truck driver filmed while whipping migrants in Ventimiglia were ugly, uncivilized and inhumane," said former labour minister Andrea Orlando, an MP for the centre-left Democratic Party (PD).
    "This is what happens when the migrant issue continues to be managed as a problem, with the Right having made it a political target throughout Europe". (ANSA).

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