
Journalist attacked by far-right militants in Turin

Mayor Lo Russo says such incidents cannot be tolerated

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 21 - Andrea Joly, a journalist for daily newspaper La Stampa, was attacked outside a Turin pub that is frequented by far-right militants where a party was taking place overnight.
    A group of militants, reportedly linked to far-right group CasaPound, alleged demanded Joly hand over his telephone after asking who he was and then kicked him when he tried to get away.
    "We express solidarity with the journalist of the newspaper La Stampa who was attacked this evening by some people close to Casa Pound while he was trying to document an event in which they were involved," said Turin Mayor Stefano Lo Russo.
    "Episodes of violence and cowardly aggression like this, the responsibility for which I hope will be ascertained as soon as possible, must have no place in our city: they cannot be tolerated and must be firmly condemned by all political parties.
    "Press freedom is a fundamental cornerstone of democracy and every attack on those who exercise the right to report is an attack on democratic values themselves".
    Mauro Berruto, an MP for the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), called on Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi to intervene.

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